Sunday, December 10, 2017

Homecoming trip

I don't have the tradition of annual trips that Aaron does, but I did make a special trip to my home state just before Advent this year. I did experience the slow time that he talks about -- a full day just sitting around with my stepbrother and his family; then the next day, a slow, leisurely meal with other relatives from across the state. This was a homecoming. And I tried to use it as the launch of Advent. 


  1. That's cool. I found Aaron's slow way of talking even challenged me during this hurry-up season. At our CrossWalk potluck this week, we sang a song called "Spirit of the Season". One of the lines in that is, "Help me come home, Lord, unto Thee." For me, my Advent homecoming is metaphorical... it is the time I spend focusing on Jesus when distractions of the commecial world are competing for attention.

  2. I agree with Janet. The "homecoming" is more personal and less literal. I am making a conscious effort to take time to remember the whole reason for Christmas. It has been a particularly hectic time for me (all good, no complaints!) so it is even more critical to stop and think about Jesus and how he was born to provide us with a living example of how to live a good and meaningful life. What has been very helpful in keeping me connected to the true spirit of Christmas are these blogs. (Both the "Names for the Messiah" and this blog. I am thankful David coordinated these.

    In terms of the literal homecoming, though, I am looking forward to quiet time with my Hagen family this year. We will keep many of our traditions from childhood, which always make me feel warm and cozy. These moments are so special and also keep me grounded to what is really important in life.

    1. Nice, Kate! We are all inn keepers who decide if there is room for jesus. The blog helps!

  3. Part of the homecoming aspect of Advent for me is the music of the season both sacred and secular along with the other traditions. Choosing to listen to a higher percentage of more spiritual music and participating in these two blogs have added to the spiritual impact of Advent.

    1. I agree! It is the reason I listen to Christian Contemporary music in my car all year! Thanks, Rick!
